Architecture Design Politics Art

Architecture Design Politics Art - Timely Commentary on the Pulse of the City

Monday, November 29, 2010

World Class City or Ride The Ducks?

Baton Mouche boats on the Seine, Paris

by Emily Steinberg

The news that Mayor Nutter is re-evaluating allowing Ride the Ducks on the Schuylkill River is good for Philadelphia. We have just created a lovely river park that is well loved and used by citizens and tourists alike on the banks of the Schuylkill. Why do we have to go and plop the ugly ducks into the equation? Why must we endure these quacking, cumbersome, and let's not forget lethal, vehicles riding around beautiful Logan Circle, past The New Barnes Foundation and up the Parkway as they make their way to the River?

If we want to be a world class city that attracts the world to visit, why do we continue to allow such low class outfits to infiltrate and ruin our city? River boats don't have to be ugly ducklings look to Paris and the Baton Mouches on the Seine. Mayor Nutter, don't allow Ride the Ducks on the Schuylkill. Allow Philadelphia her dignity.

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