photo/ 1 Serious Wine Dude
by Emily Steinberg
In yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer there was a great article on The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and Governor-elect Tom Corbett's desire to get rid of it. Yes, I know, Philly:POV is supposed to be just about Philly, but this issue affects our city and so I'm focusing on it. It is time for this relic of the prohibition era, instituted in 1933, to go the way of all outdated laws. Yes I know there are issues about state workers losing their jobs, and yes I know the state makes a lot of money from this juggernaut, but come on.....it's time to join the modern age. Our fellow Americans, when visiting Philadelphia, are bemused by the faint odor of priggishness, not to mention Soviet era shopping flashbacks, upon entering our state stores. Do we really want to share the dubious distinction with Utah to be the only states who "completely control - no exceptions - both the distribution and the retail end of wine and spirits."
Read The Inquirer article: LCB's Epic Run Might Be Near End.
These stores have got to go. I so agree!