Philadelphia City Hall circa 1889
by Emily Steinberg
Great news Philly! City Council members are up for re-election this year! We could certainly benefit from a changing of the guard in chamber. The quality of governance coming out of council for years, if not decades, is way below that which we should expect for our great city. Council members stay in power for far too long, reinstated term after term by citizen's too uninterested or jaded to get involved with city government.
The good news is that this could be a big change year for City Council. Three members, Donna Reed Miller, Jack Kelly and Joan Krajewski, are stepping down, creating space for new blood. So, change is just around the corner, right? Only if we Philadelphians get off the couch and get involved in supporting quality candidates for the job. Philadelphia needs a civic awakening right about now. It's time we had a council that made us proud. The circus that is Philadelphia City Council needs a serious make-over.
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Latrice for City Council? Inquirer/Heard in the Hall